Syntax of Number Representations

Wolfram Language has a curiously flexible syntax for number literals. We will build up a grammar for number literals from their constituent syntactic parts.

Signs in a Number Literal

The sign of a number, that is, whether the number is positive, zero, or negative, is manifestly intrinsic to the semantics of the number. However, a number's sign, when given explicitly, is treated syntactically as an operator. Indeed, there are several operators effecting the sign of a number: Minus, UnaryPlus, PlusMinus, and MinusPlus. These operators may even be nested arbitrarily, as in the expression -+7. Thus, treating the negative sign in, say, -7 as an operator is syntactically the more consistent alternative. As a consequence, all number literals in Wolfram Language are necessarily nonnegative according to this spec.

The exception to this rule applies not to number literals but rather to the decorations on number literals: the precision, accuracy, and exponent all accept a single (unnested) optional + or -.

Compatibility Warning

Mathematica only accepts the ASCII - character and its character code synonyms \:002d and \.2d in number literal forms. The Unicode character form \:2212, named character \[Minus], and corresponding Unicode literal (which renders identically to ASCII -) are not allowed within number literal forms. This spec requires complying implementations to accept the ASCII - in number literal decorations. However, implementations should also accept Unicode Minus anywhere an ASCII - may appear. (There is no Unicode equivalent to + that Mathematica recognizes, so + does not have this issue.)


The most basic component of any number is the digit. The decimal digits 0 through 9 are fundamental even within number forms expressed in bases other than 10.

DIGIT: [0-9];

Wherever a number with a point is allowed to appear, either the digits to the left of the point or the right of the point may be omitted, but not both. This has several subtle and surprising consequences. (See the admonition.) Note that numbers may begin with any number of leading zeros.

    :   DIGIT+ '.' DIGIT*   // We can omit numbers after the decimal point and not before, or...
    |   DIGIT* '.' DIGIT+   // ...before the decimal point and not after.
    | DIGIT+ // An integer, no (decimal) point.

Importantly, negative sign is not included in the definition of DecimalNumber.

Consequences of allowing numbers to start with .

Because . appears as part of other operators, starting a number with . can lead to surprising results. Consider these examples:

(* Hold[ReplaceRepeated[1,1]] *)

(* Hold[Rule[Times[1,Power[0.1`,-1]],2]] *)

(* Hold[0.9`[7]] *)


1//.1 != 0.1[1]
1/.1->2 != ReplaceAll[1,Rule[1,2]]
a=.1 != Times[Unset[a], 1]
.3/.5 != ReplaceAll[.3, 5]

See also Pseudo-operators for details about the precedence of pseudo-operators and how . is treated in the context of other operators.

Numbers in a specified base

Wolfram Language also allows number literals in bases other than base 10, with letters1 acting as the digits for bases higher than 10, up to base 36.2 No distinction is made between lowercase and capital letters.

DigitInAnyBase: DIGIT | [a-zA-Z];

    : DigitInAnyBase+ '.' DigitInAnyBase*   // We can omit numbers after the decimal point and not before, or...
    | DigitInAnyBase* '.' DigitInAnyBase+   // ...before the decimal point and not after.
    | DigitInAnyBase+  // An integer, no point.

NumberInBase: DIGIT+ '^^' NonDecimalNumber; // Additional constraints below.

The number preceding the ^^ pseudo-operator specifies the base in which the following digit sequence is to be interpreted. The digit sequence is unsigned, that is, no - is allowed to follow ^^. A . may appear in the sequence according to the same rules as the base \(10\) decimal point. The NumberInBase production must satisfy the following additional constraints:

  1. The ^^ must be preceded by a base that is an integer between \(2\) and \(36\), itself expressed in base \(10\) digits (Digits), though the base may have arbitrarily many leading zeros.
  2. The NonDecimalNumber following ^^ may contain only digits compatible with the base. Thus a number in base \(n\) consists of digits corresponding to the decimal numbers \(0\) to \(n-1\), and each digit greater than \(9\) is represented by a letter according to the following standard assignment.
10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35
a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m   n   o   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z


(* 5.625 *)

(* 135376476330464607218449 *)

(* 57005.7 *)

Non Examples

(* $Failed *)

(* Syntax::sntxf: "3.5^" cannot be followed by "^12". *)

(* General::digit: Digit at position 2 in 1972 is too large to be used in base 6. *)

(* $Failed *)

(* Syntax::tsntxi: "10^^-35" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)


The output in the non examples above are those given by Mathematica v11.3.0. Implementations are encouraged to provide more consistently helpful error messages, especially for the last non example.

Specifying numeric precision and accuracy.

Precision and accuracy are related concepts in Wolfram Language. See the section Number Literal Semantics for a detailed discussion. A number literal may either specify a precision or an accuracy, but not both. A single backtick ` after a number specifies machine precision. A number followed by a single backtick and a DecimalNumber specifies a precision of DecimalNumber. A precision or accuracy specifier must appear before a scientific form multiplier.

    :   '`' (( '+' | '-')? DecimalNumber)? // Precision
    |   '``' ( '+' | '-')? DecimalNumber // Accuracy

Note that if a sign is given for precision, it must be followed by a DecimalNumber.


Mathematica's Precision and Accuracy functions can return for some inputs. However, cannot be used in a number literal and is never interpreted as a digit.



(* 123. *)

(* 1.381 *)

(* 2558.76172 *)

(* 3.000000 *)

(* 3.000000 *)

(* 3.000000 *)

(* 0. *)

Non Examples

16^^9fe.c3`\[Minus]7 (* Treated as subtraction. Note: Cannot be copy+pasted into FE. *)
(* 2551.76 *)

(* Syntax::sntxf: "3.98" cannot be followed by "``". *)

2``\:22127 (* Differs in command line vs FE vs `ToExpression`. *)
(* 2 *)
(* Syntax::tsntxi: "2.\[Minus]7" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)

2``\[Minus]7 (* WARNING: Crashes command line interface leaving zombie kernel running at 100% of CPU. *)
(* Syntax::tsntxi: "2.\[Minus]7" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)

(* Syntax::tsntxi: "2.+" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)

(* Syntax::tsntxi: "2.-" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)

(* Syntax::sntxf: "3" cannot be followed by "``+". *)
(* Syntax::tsntxi: "3.+" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)

(* Syntax::sntxf: "3" cannot be followed by "``-". *)
(* Syntax::tsntxi: "3.-" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)

(* Syntax::tsntxi: "2.78`26``10" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)
(* Syntax::sntxf: "2.78`26" cannot be followed by "``10". *)

(* Syntax::tsntxi: "2.78`26`10" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)
(* Syntax::sntxf: "2.78``26" cannot be followed by "`10". *)

3`\[Infinity] (* Interpreted correctly as 3.0 * \[Infinity] *)
(* ∞ *)

3``\[Infinity] (* This has no correct interpretation. *)
(* WARNING: Crashes command line interface leaving zombie kernel running at 100% of CPU. *)
(* $CharacterEncoding::utf8: The byte sequence {249} could not be interpreted as a character in the UTF-8 character encoding. *)

Scientific Form / Scientific Notation

A multiplier base^power may be provided using the pseudo-operator *^ followed by an optionally signed integral power itself expressed in base \(10\). The *^ expression must appear after any precision or accuracy expression.

    :   '*^' ( '+' | '-')? DIGITS

Observe that

  1. This form does not contain DecimalNumber but rather DIGITS, which is a string of digits in base \(10\).
  2. The *^ must be followed by DIGITS with an optional sign.


(* 3980.0 *)

(* 13.9174 *)

(* 1. *)

35^^small*^-10 // InputForm
(* 6139108/394078193359375 *)

(* 1 *)

Non Examples

1.0*^1.9 (* Parsed by FE as (1.0*^1)*0.9. *)
(* General::ifexp: The exponent 1.9 is not an integer.
Syntax::sntxb: Expression cannot begin with "1.0*^1.9". *)

3*^\[Minus]1 (* FE message vs. command line message. *)
(* Syntax::tsntxi: "3.^\[Minus]1" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)
(* Syntax::sntxb: Expression cannot begin with "3*^\[Minus]1". *)

3.98*^3`5 (* FE message vs. command line message. *)
(* Syntax::tsntxi: "3.98*10^3`5" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)
(* Syntax::sntxf: "3.98*^3" cannot be followed by "`5". *)

16^^dead.beef*^-3``4 (* FE message vs. command line message. *)
(* Syntax::tsntxi: "16^^dead.beef*^-3``4" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)
(* Syntax::sntxf: "16^^dead.beef*^-3" cannot be followed by "``4". *)

1*^\[Infinity] (* FE message vs. command line message. *)
(* Syntax::sntxb: Expression cannot begin with "1*^\[Infinity]". *)
(* Syntax::tsntxi: "1.^\[Infinity]" is incomplete; more input is needed. *)

Complete Number Representation

We combine the grammar components defined above to obtain the final grammar production for number literals.

    :   DIGITS NumberInBase numberLiteralPrecision? numberLiteralExponent? // Number in any base.
    |   (DIGITS | DecimalNumber) numberLiteralPrecision? numberLiteralExponent? // Number in base ten.

Compatibility Warning

Mathematica automatically interprets number literals, discarding the original input form in most cases. Consequently, there is no FullForm representation of number literals. One cannot extract, for example, the base of a number. Implementations may emulate Mathematica's behavior or maintain the input representation of a number literal.

Compatibility Warning

Mathematica does not allow any whitespace whatsoever within a number literal expression.

A Regular Expression Accepting Number Literals

The following regular expression matches all Wolfram Language number literals without special character input forms. However, if a base is specified, it does not require that the given digits are compatible with the base, but those are the only invalid strings it accepts.



This regular expression does not require that the digits be compatible with the given base. For example, it will match 7^^2a even though a is not a digit in base \(7\). However, it does match only bases between \(2\) and \(36\).

Additional Examples

Examples using special character input forms

4\.2b5 (* ASCII plus is 0x2B. *)
(* 9 *)

(* 9 *)

4\.2d6 (* ASCII minus is 0x2D. *)
(* -2 *)

(* -2 *)

(* 40 *)

(* 40 *)

(* 4.0 *)

(* 4.0 *)

(* 4.0 *)

(* 4.0 *)

\.31\.36\.5e\.5e\.44\.65\.61\.64\.2e\.42\.65\.65\.66\.60\.60\.2b\.34\.2a^-3 (* 16^^Dead.Beef``+4*^-3 *)
(* 13.9174 *)

\:0031\:0036\:005e\:005e\:0044\:0065\:0061\:0064\:002e\:0042\:0065\:0065\:0066\:0060\:0060\:002b\:0034\:002a\:005e\:002d\:0033 (* 16^^Dead.Beef``+4*^-3 *)
(* 13.9174 *)

(* 15 *)

An interesting example

Consider the behavior of 3`\[Infinity]:

3`\[Infinity] (* Interpreted as 3.0 * \[Infinity] *)
(* ∞ *)
A previous version of this document declared the above as incorrect behavior. However, it is correct! As \[Infinity] is not a digit, the parsing of the number 3` stops when the parser sees the \[Infinity] (equivalently, the ). In contrast to the malformed 3``, the form 3` is a legitimate number form: it is the real number \(3\) with machine precision. The parser then parses \[Infinity]. Since 3` is adjacent to \[Infinity], the expression is interpreted as 3` multiplied by \[Infinity].

Example due to Richard Fateman

This example is from:

Richard J. Fateman, "A review of Mathematica," Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 13, iss. 5, May 1992, p. 554. doi: 10.1016/s0747-7171(10)80011-2. Also available on Richard Fateman's website.

(* 10. -> 5 *)

4/ .4->5
(* 10. -> 5 *)

4 /.4->5
(* 10. -> 5 *)

4/. 4->5
(* 5 *)

  1. Here we mean letters in the ISO basic Latin alphabet, not to be confused with the letter-like forms of Mathematica. 

  2. The limitation to a maximum base of 36 is, of course, due to the fact that there are only 10 decimal digits and 26 letters in the English alphabet, making 36 different possible digits to use in a number literal. An implementation could conceivably allow larger integral bases despite an inability to express every digit in the base, e.g., 100^^25==205. Such number forms would be confusing, to say the least, and so are disallowed by this spec.